

We’re Hiring: Shoreline Tool Library Coordinator/Materials Manager

Shoreline Tool Library Coordinator/Materials Manager Position Description The Tool Library coordinator and materials manager is a paid staff position responsible for co-managing the day-to-day operations and volunteer experience at Seattle…

We’ll Miss You, Barrett!

Today is Barret's final coordinating shift as our Tool Library Coordinator and Educational Programming Manager! Barrett, you have been an incredible addition to our team and tool library family, and…

Seeking for the summer …

Don't forget to sign up for a shift to help us as the weather warms and the libraries get busier! And a special request: We need help promoting the tool…

Spring Tool Sale: June 1st!

As a tool library, we are proud to have a community that is so interested in donating their tools to their community. This often leads us to have an abundance…

Happy Volunteer Recognition Day!

It's #VolunteerRecognitionDay and we want to recognize our incredible volunteers. Thank you for all of the great work you have done to help your community gain access to over 10,000…

Membership Drive Coming Soon

Get ready for the 2024 Membership Drive! We've set our goals high this year because we have TWO tool libraries to fill with members ... and tools. We will hold the…

Add your business to our resource list

We are planning to add a page to our website sharing information and resources about local businesses and contractors. If you would like us to share your information with members,…

Seattle REconomy is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit dedicated to reducing our community’s footprint and increasing our climate resilience through education and practical solutions.

(c) 2024 Seattle REconomy

We're hiring a Coordinator & Materials Manager! Applications are open until 8/6.