
Project Gallery

Seattle REconomy > Project Gallery

We are excited to present...

Your Project Gallery!

It has been a goal of Seattle REconomy to start a photo gallery of member projects made with items around our tool libraries as a resource of information and inspiration to all of the DIY'ers and makers in our community. If you are working on a project that used one or some of the tools and would like to share it with our community, please send us an email with “Project Gallery” in the subject line and some photos of what you have been working on. We would love it if you added some kind of blurb explaining your project and how the tool library helped you along the way. Thank you for making this possible!

Email us with your projects!

Seattle REconomy is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit dedicated to reducing our community’s footprint and increasing our climate resilience through education and practical solutions.

(c) 2024 Seattle REconomy

We're hiring a Coordinator & Materials Manager! Applications are open until 8/6.