
Seed Library

Seattle REconomy > Seed Library
share, grow, seeds, tool library
Share your story!

Send us pictures of what you have grown using the Seed Library along with what the NE Seattle Seed Library means to you and anything else you'd like to share with the community!

What is it?

The Seed Library

You can use (or “borrow”) seeds from the NE Seattle Seed Library at the NE Seattle Tool Library for free! No prior gardening skills needed! We ask you donate (or “return”) seeds at the end of the growing season.

Seed donations keep the library stocked for the next season. If you want to help keep the lending library stocked, pick a variety or two of your plants and let them mature all the way to seed production. If you have never saved seeds before, we can help you discover which seeds are easier to save. Here is information on the life expectancy of some seeds.

A seed library is a simple way of preserving and sharing a diverse array of seeds. It spreads the love of gardening, strengthens access to food resources in the community, keeps rare plants circulating, and protects the food source diversity. Our Seed Library is a part of the King County Seed Lending Library network.

Share your story about the NE Seattle Seed Library, what it means to you, and what you have grown by emailing us at We’d love to hear from you! Photos of what you have grown with Seed Library seeds are always welcome.

Seattle REconomy is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit dedicated to reducing our community’s footprint and increasing our climate resilience through education and practical solutions.

(c) 2024 Seattle REconomy

We're hiring a Coordinator & Materials Manager! Applications are open until 8/6.