Contact Us

  • Questions about the workshop
  • Want to attend an orientation class outside of the available time slots
  • Interested in volunteering? We are looking for more shop stewards and individuals who can teach orientation classes

what is it?

The Workshop

The Workshop at the NE Seattle Tool Library is a place for Tool Library members to work on projects with a knowledgeable shop steward. The space is equipped with a large SawStop table saw, 12" compound sliding miter saw, band saw, drill press, router table, jointer, planer, spindle sander, scroll saw, and various hand tools. We are excited to help give you the space to work on any personal projects you have.

To begin using this space, you must attend an orientation class. This is for safety and liability reasons. Please see our Upcoming Classes + Events to sign-up. Generally, these will be occurring on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month from 5-8pm. If you don't see any coming up, please email us at, and sign the workshop liability waiver and release, and we will get you set up.

You can work on your projects during off hours, and you must set up an appointment with one of our stewards. Open Shop Hours are a recommended donation of $15/hr. 

Members of either of our locations may use the Workshop at the NE Seattle Tool Library. 

Seattle REconomy is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit dedicated to reducing our community’s footprint and increasing our climate resilience through education and practical solutions.

(c) 2024 Seattle REconomy

We're hiring a Coordinator & Materials Manager! Applications are open until 8/6.