
Ryan Townsend (he/him)

Ryan Townsend (he/him)

Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member & Bike Shack Coordinator

Ryan is committed to making his hometown a more inclusive community through his volunteerism at the Bike Shack and work on our steering committee.

About Ryan

I was born and raised on the north end of Seattle, almost perfectly in the middle of the Shoreline and NE Seattle Tool Libraries. Long before I joined the tool library I had been ranting to my friends and family about how much I hated buying new tools that I would rarely use and wished some sort of “library for tools” existed. Turns out I just needed to google it!

I love the community we’ve helped nourish and the services we provide to the neighborhood I grew up in. Not to mention the sheer amount of stuff we keep out of local landfills. I’ve never worked on something that I feel so excited to be a part of, it really is that great.

As an avid bike commuter, I am proud of the infrastructure we have created with the Bike Shack to take the headache out of bike maintenance (to what extent that’s possible!), and to make biking cheaper and more accessible to everyone. If you need your bike fixed, or just need a bike to begin with, let me know!