Get ready for the 2024 Membership Drive! We've set our goals high this year because we have TWO tool libraries to fill with members ... and tools.
We will hold the annual drive from April 1-30. If we reach our goal of 130 new members we will open an extra summer shift at each library! And the new member will receive a 15% off coupon to use at our ReUse Materials Store at the Shoreline Tool Library.
So get your contacts ready and start telling all your friends about how much you love the tool library. The more members we have in this community, the more open hours we can be open, the more tools we can have available, and the more we can support the community!
More details to come very soon!
Calling all hobby hoppers!
Calling all hobby hoppers! The Shoreline Tool Library (STL) is excited to expand its “Arts & Crafts” tool inventory, and