We will be restructuring our donation levels, starting April 1. We deliberated on this move and ultimately decided we wanted to simplify the structure and slightly increase suggested rates. We hope this restructure will help us keep up with inflation while supporting our community at the highest level possible.
Any increases will be minimal and are still just suggestions to help us keep doing what we do. We are making sure there are lots of benefits! Though, if you want to get a lifetime membership at the old rate, this is the time to do it!
- All members will now get access to both tool libraries
- A simplified menu of membership options
- Increased inventory of particularly popular items
Here are our old suggested levels compared to our new suggested levels:
- Sustaining (monthly): $20
- Student/Senior: $40
- Dual Student/Senior: $60
- General Public (one tool library): $60
- Dual Membership: $80
- Community supporter (annual): $120
- Lifetime: $750
- Sustaining (monthly): $25
- Discount (annual): $50 *Student, senior, or in need of discount
- Standard (annual): $80
- Community supporter (annual): $160
- Lifetime: $1,000
We will not deny applications because you lack funds and we do not require proof of income. If you wish to pay less than the suggested amount, please do so in-person at the tool library. You may also obtain a membership through a tool/material donation or 3 hours/month of volunteering.
We strive to make membership as low-barrier as possible. Thank you all for being part of our community and for supporting what we are doing.
If you have auto-renewal on, your membership will automatically renew at the new rates. If you would like to turn this off or change your membership please email info@seattlereconomy.org.