About the Workshop
The Workshop at the NE Seattle Tool Library is a place for Tool Library members to work on projects with a knowledgeable shop steward. The space is equipped with a large SawStop table saw, 12″ compound sliding miter saw, band saw, bench sander, drill press, router table, 8” jointer/planer, 15” thickness planer, spindle sander, scroll saw, and various hand tools. We are excited to help give you the space to work on any personal projects you have.
To begin using this space, you must attend a Workshop Orientation Class. This is for safety and liability reasons, and we will teach the basic safety of our workshop tools. Please see our Event Calendar to sign up. This class $25-$75 depending on a self-select sliding scale based on your household income.
You can work on your projects during off hours, but you must sign up for Workshop Open hours with one of our stewards. You can find our upcoming Workshop Open Hours on our Event Calendar. We charge a $15 fee to access the shop and recommend a donation of $15 per hour of usage. Your donations help keep our workshop open. You are able to pay any additional time via a QR code once you have completed your time in the shop.
Members of either of our locations may use the Workshop at the NE Seattle Tool Library.

Contact us at nestl@seattlereconomy.org for
- Questions about the Workshop
- Want to attend an Orientation Class or Open Hours outside of the available time slots
- Interested in volunteering? We are looking for more shop stewards and individuals who can teach orientation classes
Workshop FAQ
That is our workshop! Members are able to sign up for a 3 hour orientation, with a sliding scale cost of $25-$75. Once you have taken the orientation, you can rent supervised time in the space for $15/hour. Our open hours usually happen at set times, for example Monday nights and Sunday mornings, however, they are able to work with you a bit to fit your schedule. It is never available during our open hours.
Yes! There will always be a knowledgeable steward on site during open hours. You cannot use the workshop unsupervised.
No, sorry. We can email a shop steward about setting up a time.
You can email nestl@seattlereconomy.org or talk to the front desk during open hours! We will connect you with the shop stewards about getting oriented to the space. The shop steward position is ideal for people with experience woodworking and ability to help teach others.
Yes! There will always be a knowledgeable steward on site during open hours. You cannot use the workshop unsupervised.
Coordinator will CC this person on an email to shop stewards with some specific dates that work for their and their project scope.
Yes, it is 15$ to access the shop