
3D Printer

About the 3D Printer

The Prusa MK3S+ 3D Printer at the Shoreline Tool Library is available for members to print useful items and fun accessories in-house. We are thrilled to offer this Makerspace-esque aspect at our tool libraries to help give you the opportunity to build and create!

To begin using the 3D printer, you must attend a 3D Printer Orientation. This is because 3D printers can easily falter when used incorrectly, and we want to make sure your prints go as planned. We currently have two versions of our 3D Printer Orientation: The Basics and Foundations of CAD. They are both beginner-friendly and walk you through how to use our 3D printer, but Foundations of CAD is one hour longer to teach you some 3D modeling skills. Please see our Event Calendar for more details and to sign up. 3D Printer Orientation: The Basics is $25-$60 and 3D Printer Orientation: Foundations of CAD is $35-$75 depending on a self-select sliding scale based on your household income. 

After completing a 3D Printer Orientation, you may reserve time on the 3D printer through your MyTurn account. More reservation instructions may be found in the second link on the right. Prints may be left running overnight but must be completed by the start of the next shift. The reservation fee is $10.  You can bring your own PLA or PETG filament, but you may also use some of our select filament for about .25 cents per gram. 

Members of either of our locations may use the 3D Printer at the Shoreline Tool Library.