
Circular Monday: 25%-50% off our Reuse Materials Store until the end of the year!

Inspired by #OptOutside, we will close on Black Friday to promote outdoor appreciation and carbon awareness. We will observe Circular Mondays, emphasizing renting, repairing and reusing items to combat waste.

Inspired by REI’s #OptOutside movement, we will be closed on Black Friday (November 29th) to encourage our members to take time to appreciate the outdoors and reflect on the carbon emissions created through consumerism. 

Instead, we will be partaking in Circular Monday, an opposite Black Friday movement started by circular economist Henning Gillberg in Sweden! Circular Monday is a day all about promoting circular consumption and its ideals of renting, repairing, and reusing items instead of letting them go to the landfill.

A study published by Green Alliance from professors at the University of Leeds estimates that up to 80% of all plastics, textiles, and electronic goods go to landfill, incineration, or low-quality recycling. This issue is exasperated during the holiday season, with Stanford University's Waste Reduction, Recycling, Composting and Solid Waste Program stating that household waste increases by more than 25% from Thanksgiving to New Year’s.

This year, we are promoting the circular economy by having every Monday from now until the end of the year be Circular Monday, where all materials in our Reuse Materials Store in the Shoreline Tool Library will be 50% off and all tools will be 25% off!

You can find some of our larger items on Facebook Marketplace and OfferUp, but all sales will occur in-store. It is first come first serve, and we can NOT hold items. The Shoreline Tool Library is located at 16610 Aurora Ave N, and Circular Monday will be celebrated every Monday, from 5–8pm, until the end of the year.

Get a fantastic deal on second-hand tools and materials and help us get one step closer to a circular economy!

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