
Workshop Orientation Class

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Workshop Orientation Class

April 23 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

$25.00 - $75.00
Learn basic safety of our workshop tools. Workshop orientation is necessary to use our workshop during our shop hours.

Sign up for a workshop orientation class to learn the basic safety of the tools that we have in our workshop and in order to use the workshop during our shop hours. Email us at if you have any questions on workshop usage. The Orientation will take place at the NE Seattle Tool Library, please come to the East entrance of the library at the time of the class.

The space is equipped with a large SawStop table saw, 12″ compound sliding miter saw, 2 band saws (one for resaw), drill press, router table, jointer, planer, spindle sander, scroll saw, and various hand tools.

You must be a member of NE Seattle Tool Library or Shoreline Tool Library to take this class. Become a member here!

Our sliding scale for classes helps to reduce barriers for participation while retaining sufficient income for Seattle REconomy, which owns and operates the NE Seattle and Shoreline tool libraries. Please choose the level that best fits your family’s income.


April 23
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
$25.00 - $75.00


NE Seattle Tool Library
10228 Fischer Place Northeast
Seattle, WA 98125 United States
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