
Team Details

Seattle REconomy > Justin Avellar
#team #member #volunteer

Justin Avellar

Board Chairperson

Justin is our in-house lawyer and board chair who helps oversee our organization's structure and governance.

About Justin

Seattle is my adopted home. I grew up outside New York City and have lived in New Orleans, Chicago, and Manhattan before my wife and I decided to move to her home — the PNW. I love it here. It’s beautiful and the people here have a focus on the community and environment that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the country.

I was drawn to the NE Seattle Tool Library almost immediately after moving here. Between Josh’s magnetism and a friendly community doing such awesome work, I was hooked.

When I’m not working or volunteering, I enjoy gardening, cooking, and outdoor activities with my wife and dogs.

Seattle REconomy is a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit dedicated to reducing our community’s footprint and increasing our climate resilience through education and practical solutions.

(c) 2024 Seattle REconomy

We're hiring a Coordinator & Materials Manager! Applications are open until 8/6.