
Our Team

#member #staff #sharing #tools

Josh Epstein (he/him)

/ Executive Director
Our awesome executive director running Seattle REconomy. A lover of DIY and all things sharing.
team, people, sharing, collaborate

Anna Wilson (she/her)

/ Operations Director
Anna helps execute the vision! She is organized, and keeps our organization running on the day-to-day. She can even fix tools!
Marlee Blue, coordinator

Marlee Blue (they/them)

/ NE Seattle Tool Library Volunteer Manager & NE Seattle Tool Library Coordinator
Marlee has a background in public gardens, volunteer coordination, and outdoor building. They love reuse, ecosystem care, and hanging out!

Peter Schmalzer (he/him)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Volunteer Manager & Shoreline Tool Library Coordinator
Peter is a neighbor, a dad, and loves learning about getting things done with his hands. He is dedicated to helping members of our community in making their lives better.

Rebecca Roush (she/her)

/ Education Manager
An avid cyclist, Rebecca loves that she can bicycle to both SeattleREconomy's tool libraries to run the Education and Bike Shack programs. She gardens, and what her household doesn't eat, she preserves.

Ava Lim (she/her)

/ Reused Materials Manager & Shoreline Tool Library Coordinator
Ava is a maker at heart with backgrounds in design, leadership, and program coordination. She works to make STL the best it can be.

Colin McElroy (he/him)

/ Bike Shack Manager & Shoreline Tool Library Coordinator
Colin is our Bike Shack Manager and one of our STL coordinators, with a background in information technology and project management. He loves the outdoors and spends his free time with his family and mountain biking.

Anna Marie Wing (she/her)

/ Marketing Manager
With interests in design, education, and sustainability, Anna Marie works to improve our online presence, digital user experience, and virtual connections.
#team #member #volunteer

Justin Avellar (he/him)

/ Board Chairperson
Justin is our in-house lawyer and board chair who helps oversee our organization's structure and governance.

Susan Gregory (she/her)

/ Founder & Board Treasurer
Susan is one of the founders of our organization and continues to donate countless hours of her time and energy! Way to go Susan!

Joann Kerr (she/her)

/ Founder & Board Member
Joann is one of the awesome cofounders of Seattle REconomy and has been a dedicated volunteer helping people in our community learn how to minimize their climate impact and live more sustainable lives.
#board #member

Robin Blomster (she/her)

/ Board Member
Robin helps manage our digital communications and is an all-around awesome volunteer!

Ryan Abe (she/her)

/ Board Member & Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee
Ryan is another one of our volunteers, and Shoreline steering committee member. She also will be helping the board with budget and finances!

Joel Gregory (he/him)

/ Founder & NE Seattle Tool Library Steering Committee Member
Joel is one of the founding members of the NE Seattle Tool Library and quietly works on almost everything at the tool libraries! You'll commonly find him teaching classes in the workshop.

Ken Yu (he/him)

/ NE Seattle Tool Library Founder & Steering Committee Member
Ken is one of the founding members of the NE Seattle Tool Library and besides tool sales, volunteer events, and special projects, helps mostly behind-the-scenes nowadays.
#toolsale #volunteer

Kristina Herrera

/ NE Seattle Tool Library Steering Committee Member
One of our resident crafters! When there's a party, you can find Kristina helping make NESTL shirts.

Amelia Adkins (she/they)

/ NESTL Steering Committee Member
Amie is a volunteer and a NE Tool Library steering committee member that helps out with any marketing when needed!
#member #team

Aakanksha Sinha (she/her)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member
Aakanksha is an enthusiastic steering committee member who brings marketing and fundraising experience to Seattle REconomy!

Rachelle McCarty (she/her)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member
Rachelle is an incredible volunteer helping with fundraising and outreach.

Dom Dellino (he/him)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member
An avid planet activist and co-founder of the Shoreline Tool Library, Dom is always seeking ways to move us into the future—a risk-taker generally with careful forethought, embracing change whenever possible.

Sean Warlick (he/him)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member
Sean’s first experience with the tool library was carrying an extension ladder down the street to change a light bulb. From there he grew into a regular user, volunteer, and steering committee member.

Ryan Townsend (he/him)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member & Bike Shack Coordinator
Ryan is committed to making his hometown a more inclusive community through his volunteerism at the Bike Shack and work on our steering committee.

Natalie White (she/her)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member
Natalie is passionate about building a more sustainable future.

Travis White (he/him)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member
Tyler is a cyclist, gardener, life long learner and always ready for a DIY project.

Lynette Wachholz (she/her)

/ Shoreline Tool Library Steering Committee Member
Lynette loves to solve problems. She thinks it’s tons of fun to help a STL member find the right tool(s) for their unique “job!”.